Radio On Hold = Distractions And Eternal Static

When your company plays the radio on hold, your customers are hearing the following:

  • Commercials from other businesses – are any of them competitors?
  • Announcers are talking, but not about your business
  • Music is playing, but does your customer like that song?
  • You’ve tuned in the soft rock station – is the reception clear?

Ever wonder why you hear so much static when listening to a radio station on hold?

Most company phone systems are located near a server and other electronic equipment in a closet or small room. This confined area creates a lot of interference and as a result, nearly every radio on hold is filled with static!

Food for Thought:

Imagine someone standing in front of your business everyday. They distract attention away from your business by talking to your customers about the weather and other businesses. Certainly, you would call the police before you let that happen. Now, think of a caller to your business being placed on hold and hearing the radio.

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