Audio Production

Royalty Free Music For Your Project

For Video and Film makers, Television and Radio broadcasters, Multimedia producers, Game or Software developers, Website owners, Advertisers and more, thousands of high-quality music tracks are available at affordable prices for all of your production needs.

With Royalty Free Music, you pay one-time and use it as long as needed. Your purchase gives you the rights to use music tracks in as many productions as you wish. There are No recurring licensing fees or royalties.

Audio files are made available in high quality WAV or MP3 format and you have the ability to re-download your purchased files at any time if you should misplace them.

In addition, GO Productions in-house musicians can write and compose the perfect music for any project, including Original Scoring for Film, Video, Television and Radio, Corporate Business Applications and Corporate Themes, Product and Training Videos, Tradeshow and Marketing Presentations, Multimedia and Games.

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