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Is Your Business The Obvious Choice?

Dan Andrew recently added a message with music that plays for his callers placed on hold. His customers no longer suffer in silence wondering if they are still connected. In addition, he is providing his customers a service by promoting the products and services he offers.

When people call your business, their mind is open to any message you have for them because they want your product or service to fill a need or solve a problem. How well your business fills that need or solves a problem is the difference between success and failure.

Is your business the obvious choice for (insert product/service here)? When people need a new (product/service), do they call you first? Do prospects of your business feel that they would have to be an absolute fool to do business with anyone else but you? If not, why not?

How often do you have your prospects attention when promoting your company? They have called because they are interested. If they are let down, there is always a competitor they can contact.

As a business owner myself, I believe my company is giving prospects and customers quality service they won’t find elsewhere. In fact, most hard-working business owners feel this way. We are so focused on running our business, we don’t have the time to really consider how our prospects and customers perceive our business.

Have you ever called your company and pretended to be a prospect to see how your call is handled? You might be surprised to hear an employee answering the phone with food in their mouth, or the radio station playing on hold has a commerical running from a competitor. Is your phone being answered with enthusiasm that conveys to callers your business is happy to hear from them, or does it sound like you have better things to do?

Some business owners have told us they don’t put people on hold for very long or not at all. We understand, nobody likes to be put on hold. At least that is what people will tell you. What they don’t tell you is they don’t like being put on hold and hearing nothing or a poorly tuned radio station.

How Often Should I Change My On Hold Messages And Music?

You can change your information and hold music as often as needed to reflect changes with your product or service.

Most companies have one on hold message and music recording produced and then update every year or two. Other clients change their hold messages with each new season or have chosen to update their program monthly to offer specials and announce other dated information. New messages can be coordinated to present special events, roll out a new product line, or any other custom needs.

Please also consider the following: Do you receive frequent calls from the same people or do you tend to have a steady stream of new customers? Keeping your on hold message fresh has proven to be more effective when marketing to repeat callers.

Royalty Free Music For Your Project

For Video and Film makers, Television and Radio broadcasters, Multimedia producers, Game or Software developers, Website owners, Advertisers and more, thousands of high-quality music tracks are available at affordable prices for all of your production needs.

With Royalty Free Music, you pay one-time and use it as long as needed. Your purchase gives you the rights to use music tracks in as many productions as you wish. There are No recurring licensing fees or royalties.

Audio files are made available in high quality WAV or MP3 format and you have the ability to re-download your purchased files at any time if you should misplace them.

In addition, GO Productions in-house musicians can write and compose the perfect music for any project, including Original Scoring for Film, Video, Television and Radio, Corporate Business Applications and Corporate Themes, Product and Training Videos, Tradeshow and Marketing Presentations, Multimedia and Games.

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Phone On Hold News

Marketing On Hold Information To Help Enhance Your Company Image
