Phone On Hold Coverage For Insurance Agents

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As an insurance agent, your commitment to earning the trust of prospects and clients is crucial to remaining competitive in the market today.
Customized phone on hold messages that inform callers about your agency allow you the opportunity to highlight your expertise and promote your specific areas of available insurance policy coverage.
GO On Hold can create an effective script for your business and our experienced voice talent will record your hold messages with a warm and personable delivery that will help you in acquiring or keeping the confidence of your callers.
The professional sound of your phone on hold messages will impress callers and provide them with valuable information, such as any multi-policy discounts or other important features you offer that set you apart from your competition.
Other advantages to implementing phone hold messages include the following:
1. Callers remain on the line longer. When people are placed on hold and hear nothing, they normally hang up, on average after about 30 to 45 seconds. With a custom on hold message that provides them pertinent details about your insurance agency set to pleasant music, that time normally increases to as long as three minutes.
2. You are more likely to be considered an expert. Many callers on hold who experience silence or an annoying beep will perceive a business as inexperienced or unprofessional. A custom phone on hold message program presents your agency as having their act together and makes waiting callers feel more comfortable with their choice to remain on hold.
3. Captive audience. Marketing messages on hold are a salesperson on auto-pilot and provide those interested in exploring your agency an overview of what your business is all about during a time they cannot help but be captive to the message, with their phone stuck to their ear.
Phone on hold messages allow your agency to take advantage of a cost-effective marketing tool that guarantees your potential and exisiting clients will hear about your policy options for protecting individuals, families, businesses or property anytime you must place them on hold.

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